How Did The Pandemic Impact You As An Executive?

Source: Life Science Leader
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THE PANDEMIC HAD A MONUMENTAL IMPACT ON MY CAREER! During COVID lockdown, most of us examined — and challenged — how work was getting done. Hopefully, many also reflected on our personal and professional lives. Are we making the impact we envisioned? Are we leading fulfilling lives? Are we striking a healthy work-life harmony?

My reflections during this time resulted in the decision to retire after 15 years as the CEO of the Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association (HBA). I was confident the time was right and all the components of my exit plan were in place.

Mediocrity is easy. So as we move to business in the new normal, I encourage you to continue this reflection practice. Challenge how — and perhaps more importantly, why — we are doing what we’re doing. This will keep us optimally fulfilled, effective, and impactful executives.

LAURIE COOKE is the former CEO of HBA, a global nonprofit professional association.