Magazine Article | February 1, 2022

How Do You Become A Board Member? Where Do Opportunities/Introductions Come From?

Source: Life Science Leader

NETWORKING, NETWORKING, NETWORKING. Each board opportunity I have received has typically come through long-standing relationships that were formed throughout my career. Sharing interest in board membership as well as expertise with mentors, colleagues, and others in my network has inevitably led to discussions and introductions that have, in turn, led to board opportunities. I cannot overemphasize enough the importance of keeping in regular communication with an extended network throughout your career. You simply never know when someone will tap into your knowledge and expertise. When presented with an opportunity, I typically weigh three factors: 1) Will my expertise and perspective enrich the board? 2) Will board membership enrich my own ongoing education? and 3) Is the culture and mission of the company and board something I want to be committed to for the long term?

JEFF BERKOWITZ is CEO and director of Real Endpoints, a data/analytics advisory firm