Blog | October 31, 2012

A Quick Way To Incorporate A Blog As Part Of A Strategy

Source: Life Science Leader
Rob Wright author page

By Rob Wright, Chief Editor, Life Science Leader
Follow Me On Twitter @RfwrightLSL

By Rob Wright

If you’re planning to launch a blog as part of your pharmaceutical executive leadership or product portfolio strategy, it MUST be in alignment with your leadership values, product’s compelling and unique story, and business objectives. If there is not clear alignment between a blog and this overall strategy, then there is no reason for the blog to exist. Once you’ve determined that you will have a blog, it must be populated with content (blog posts). There are two overarching objectives that must be accomplished with each post. If you don’t accomplish both objectives (below), the post can be considered a failure.

1. A post must advance your product’s compelling and unique story
2. A post must be valuable to the reader

Why Each Blog Post Must Accomplish These Two Objectives
First, every piece of content your company creates should serve your product’s overall business goals. And, a blog post is no different. Each blog post must relate to a site’s compelling and unique story, audience interest subject list, solution centers, and/or sourcing centers. If a post isn’t part of this larger strategic framework, then what is the purpose of producing the post in the first place?

Second, relationships are built on trust. When you create valuable, interesting, and useful content, your audience learns they can trust you. Posts that are valuable allow you to build relationships with your audience. Conversely, posts that have little value to the reader or pander to vendors will deteriorate trust and lead to a very small audience. If you consistently deliver valuable content, your existing readers will become increasingly more loyal.

Third, valuable posts attract new members to your audience. Your posts have to be valuable enough that users link, share, and engage with them. That’s how your new audience members will find you. And, your best new audience prospects will come from content that is shared. Similarly, a consistent stream of valuable content will deepen your relationship with existing readers. Here is a link for how to write great blog content -

Mandatory Test
With every post, preferably before you finalize it, ask yourself how it advances either your position as a life science executive communicating with employees, or your company’s compelling product story. Is it a stretch or is the topic perfectly aligned with what’s important to your audience? Now, ask yourself how valuable the post is. Could it be more valuable? How? Would a reader comment on this post and will they share it? Why or why not? Ten tips for corporate bloggers can be found here.