What Is Your Biggest Concern Regarding The Biopharma Industry's Reputation With The American People If We Don't Have A COVID-19 Vaccine By The End Of This Year?

Source: Life Science Leader
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A | THE FOCUS OF COMPANIES WORKING TOWARD THE DEVELOPMENT OF COVID-19 VACCINES IS TO PREVENT DISEASE SAFELY AND EFFICACIOUSLY. Speed matters, of course, but speed must not take priority over the need for safety and science to prevail. If scientific proof of vaccine safety and efficacy data does not mature by the end of this year, that would be a serious disappointment to the world. Yet, it would mean that science took precedence, and it would be the right choice.

Just as the SARS-CoV-2 virus has not followed any political timelines, so the science and data that emerge from potential vaccines will not abide by any externally imposed timelines. I am personally convinced of — and very thankful — for that.

FRANCOIS NADER, M.D., MBA is chairman of Acceleron Pharma. He’s the former CEO of NPS Pharma and serves on several corporate and philanthropy boards.