CLD platforms must be flexible and efficient to accommodate the increasing diversity and complexity of molecules. Explore strategies for building CLD platforms, including the utilization of standardized, modular approaches, and strategic partnerships with CDMOs.
Scalable and reproducible manufacturing of biologics requires a meticulous foundation: a robust CLD strategy. Review factors to consider when building a reliable CLD strategy and learn how the right CDMO partner can help you achieve the balance of high quality, high yield, and speed needed to successfully bring a biologic to market.
A robust CLD strategy prioritizes early developability and manufacturability assessments of both cell lines and molecules to mitigate risks and delays. Review the efficacy of fast stable pools in generating purified product at an early stage and learn how to accelerate the journey toward first-in-human trials and proof-of-concept studies.
New, cutting-edge cell line development (CLD) platforms are facilitating the rapid creation and selection of high-yielding mammalian Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell lines. Discover how the right CLD platform can offer cost efficiencies and options to de-risk the pathway to IND application, marking a significant advancement in the field of biologics development.
The increasing number of protein-based therapeutics entering the drug development pipeline has intensified the need for efficient and expedited development processes. Explore how an integrated CLD approach, combined with cutting-edge technologies, can drive program success and accelerate the development of protein-based therapeutics.
New, cutting-edge cell line development (CLD) platform that’s facilitating the rapid creation and selection of high-yielding mammalian CHO cell lines. Discover how the right CLD platform can offer cost efficiencies and options to de-risk and streamline the pathway to IND application, marking a significant advancement in the field of biologics development.