Guidelines for Submitting a "CEO Corner" Article
The article should be exclusive to Life Science Leader. It should not have run in any print or online publication prior in any form. It should also not be slated to run in any other publications or online sources.
AUTHOR — (LSL does not write these articles, they are submitted to us.)
- The author must hold the title of president or CEO at a biopharmaceutical or medical device company that creates a drug or device. Suppliers/vendors to the pharma industry cannot participate.
- A 300 dpi TIF or EPS (or a very large JPEG image) of the person writing the article MUST be included, preferably an image other than a headshot (e.g., sitting at a desk).
- A 25-word (maximum) bio for the person writing the article MUST be included. The bio should not include excessive or promotional (e.g., “a leading provider…”) words describing the company.
- The article should not be focused on your company’s successes or goals. Your company’s name (or pronouns referring to your company such as “we”) should not be prevalent throughout the article.
- The article cannot promote, either directly or indirectly, a company’s product, service or actions. For example, it would not be acceptable to submit an article discussing why “X” technology/service/etc. is the best solution to an industry problem when the person writing the article works for the company that is the only producer of “X.”
- The article should discuss global industry trends, experiences, or challenges that a biopharma CEO/president could relate to. It should communicate opinions and ideas that are top of mind for biopharmaceutical CEOs, and it should educate biopharma executives as to why these issues should be on their radar.
- Articles should not be overly technical or discuss in-depth scientific principles. We are a business-to-business magazine, not a scientific journal.
- It should include actionable information that our executive-level readers will find useful.
- 1,100-1,300 words not including the author’s bio or the headline/ in-text subhead. Do not include references or footnotes at the end of the article. Article should be in Microsoft Word, include a headline and at least one in-text subhead.
- All articles and accompanying bios will be edited according to our style. Generally, this editing does not affect the context of the article. Sometimes an extended version of an article will be run on the LSL website.
- Because the article is being submitted in writing, NO PREPUBLICATION PROOFING WILL BE PROVIDED.
Most content on our website is gated but accessible via a free member registration (e.g., name, email, title company name, etc.).
Content contributors and those people interviewed in our articles are not provided with free reprints or PDFs of articles. However, we will mail you up to five physical copies of the magazine if requested and if in-stock at our offices. Copies of the magazine are delivered to our offices about one week after the first of the month.
We don’t provide free PDFs or reprints of our articles. Contact our reprint department at the following to obtain pricing for both physical and electronic reprints:
Ana Stover, Content Marketing Specialist
The YGS Group
p: 717.430.2268 | f: 888.608.0288
Purchasing Additional Copies Of A Whole Issue
If you want to purchase extra copies of an entire issue, you need contact Karen White at BEFORE the issue is printed. Karen will provide you with costs and mailing information.
Subscribe For Free: Go to this link.
Questions regarding these guidelines should be forwarded to Dan Schell, editorial director, at