Newsletter | August 30, 2024

08.30.24 -- How Women Can Overcome A Common Workplace Struggle


'Doers, Not Leaders': How Women Can Overcome A Common Workplace Struggle

Three key strategies can help women working in the biopharmaceutical industry shift from being seen as 'doers' to being recognized as 'leaders': vision, networking, and self-advocacy, writes Mary Beth Sandin.


How PATs Improve Bioreactor Performance And Inline Monitoring

Accurately monitoring process parameters and bioreactor performance while leveraging process analytical technologies can lead to strong improvements in productivity, quality, and process stability.

Formulation And Evaluation Of Enteric Coated Aspirin Capsules

Enteric polymer coatings play a crucial role in oral drug formulations, protecting the API from harsh gastric conditions and enabling targeted drug delivery with optimized release based on location.

When Sites Don't Get Paid

Cash flow is the lifeline of sites, and delays in paying them puts them in a difficult position. Learn about some actions that can happen when a site doesn’t get paid on time.

Real-Time Live Cell Imaging In Successful ADC Development

Learn how the visualization of critical cellular responses can enable live-cell imaging to indicate effective payload delivery, increasing the potential of identifying clinically viable ADC leads.

Meeting Diversity Goals Through Smart Trial Design Strategies

Explore how technology can assist in identifying and selecting the most suitable research sites and investigators for your therapeutic area.


Article Submission Guidelines

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