What Advice Do You Have On Transitioning A Career To Adjacent Industries, And How Has This Helped You In Your Role As An Executive?
ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT THINGS TO DO DURING THE TRANSITION is put aside your preconceived notions and listen. We all think we know a lot about our industry partners and other components of the supply chain, but it is amazing what you learn when you actually get to see and understand the inner workings, goals, and priorities of an adjacent business. Spend the first weeks asking good questions, listening, and earning credibility. It is also important to ask those same questions of external partners. Listening and learning at the outset as a new executive in a company allowed me to develop a clear vision and business plan that the extended team could buy into and execute against.
JEFF BERKOWITZ is CEO and director of Real Endpoints, a data/analytics advisory firm. He has served in roles spanning the healthcare continuum, and presently serves on several biopharma company boards.