What Advice Do You Have To Someone Beginning A Biopharma Job Search During These Unprecedented Times?

Source: Life Science Leader
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A | TAKE THIS TIME AS AN OPPORTUNITY FOR SELF-REFLECTION AND POSSIBLE COURSE CORRECTION. Take an inventory of your experiences and qualifications and identify skills most transferable and those in high demand. Identify what motivates and drives you in a career. You want to make sure you are moving into something that you will enjoy and feeds your passion and will not create unnecessary stress. The last thing you want is to move into a role that will have you searching for the next move. Your storyboard is a living document that should be continuously updated throughout your career. Additionally, do your due diligence and utilize your network. You will be surprised by how many professionals out there are willing to help, especially when they see someone genuinely looking to better themselves and make a difference.

JASON URBAN, PH.D., is senior director, quality risk management at Alexion Pharmaceuticals.