Magazine Article | April 1, 2022

What Would You Say To An Executive Who States They Don't Know How To Manage/Lead Millennials?

Source: Life Science Leader

I WOULD SAY IT’S PROBABLY YOU, NOT THEM. Millennials want what we all want but express it differently. They don’t want to be managed, but they do want to be coached, mentored, and developed. They want to work toward a shared vision that matters and has a purpose, and their core values must align with the company values. They want their leaders to adhere to and be accountable for maintaining goals and objectives that support the mission, and if you aren’t living those principles, they are going to call you out on it. They may challenge workplace culture and established ways of working. And finally, millennials need a clear and transparent way to align work effort and compensation that affords them the ability to create a work-life balance the rest of us only dream about.

MARY ROSE KELLER is VP of clinical operations at Acrivon Therapeutics. She has 30+ years of industry experience.