When Do You Think Clinical Research Will Be A True Integral Option Within The Continual Care Of Patients, And What Do You See Will Help Drive It There?

A | MOST HEALTHCARE SYSTEMS ARE CONSIDERED INEFFICIENT AT BEST and dramatically wasteful at worst, particularly the ones in the U.S. Clinical research is a complex enterprise, and the current model in which it is necessary to run clinical trials within these inefficient healthcare systems is a major reason for low quality and productivity of clinical research. To make things more difficult, most physicians are not interested in taking additional responsibilities associated with clinical research. They are too busy “feeding the beast” of bureaucratic inefficiency in their daily practice. Thus, I do not see clinical research becoming an integral option for clinical care of patients until healthcare services sort out the mess they are in and become efficient.
TOMASZ SABLINSKI, MD, PH.D. is cofounder and CEO of Transparency Life Sciences