7th Antigen Specific Immune Tolerance Summit 2024
March 18 - 20, 2024 - MA USHanson Wade
The 7th Antigen-Specific Immune Tolerance Drug Development Summit returns as the definitive, industry-dedicated forum bringing you the latest discoveries, preclinical, proof-of-concept, biomarker, and clinical development on tolerogenic therapies. Immune tolerance approaches have unprecedented potential to not only treat autoimmune diseases but to cure them; resetting the immune system is the most advantageous approach in biopharma's arsenal to trailblaze past standard immunosuppression treatments and create a new era of transformative therapies. With Diamyd's phase III trial for type I diabetes, COUR, Anokion, Imcyse, Takeda, and Selecta's phase II trials all underway, the field is on the precipice of advancing efficacious antigen-specific approaches for patients in need. Time: 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM