3rd In Vivo Cell Engineering and Gene Editing Summit
July 9 - 11, 2024 - MA USHanson Wade
Welcome to the 3rd In Vivo Cell Engineering and Gene Editing Summit! As promising pre-clinical and proof of concept results continue to emerge, the pivotal shift from the 'dream' of in vivo cell engineering and gene editing is rapidly becoming a reality as numerous companies push towards the clinic. Uniting key thought-leading experts, the 3rd In Vivo Cell Engineering and Gene Editing Summit will be a uniquely positioned, must-attend gathering, delving into all facets of development to spearhead in vivo as the frontier of cell and gene therapies. This once-a-year meeting explores every aspect of in vivo cell and gene therapies, from selecting an appropriate animal model to discussing target specificity and unveiling strategies for advancing towards the clinic. Join C-level executives, VPs, and Directors in Discovery, Pre-Clinical, and Translational fields developing in vivo cell engineering and gene editing pipelines, as they converge to showcase various approaches, crystalize ambiguity, and ultimately advance pipelines to the next stage. Crafted in collaboration with industry titans such as Capstan Therapeutics, Editas Medicine, NanoCell Therapeutics, Carisma Therapeutics, Mustang Bio, iECURE, and many others, our newly curated agenda for 2024 promises unparalleled insights. Download Full Agenda - https://ter.li/s0p8bf Join us this July to glean invaluable knowledge from our world-class speaker faculty, offering an exclusive dive into how experts plan to stay ahead of the curve and shape the future of cell and gene therapy in the years ahead. Secure Your Place - https://ter.li/n8rlu4 Time: 8:00 AM - 4:10 PM