Companies To Watch
Companies To Watch: Senti Bio
Senti Bio aims to improve cancer therapeutics with customizable gene circuits, or multi-gene constructs capable of identifying cancer targets on both healthy and diseased cells.
Companies To Watch: Terns Pharmaceuticals
Terns Pharmaceuticals aims to improve upon currently marketed therapies in CML and obesity, using internally discovered small molecules.
Companies To Watch: Spinogenix
Spinogenix is using small molecule drugs to regenerate synapses in patients with ALS, Alzheimer's disease, schizophrenia, glaucoma, and Fragile X syndrome.
Companies To Watch: Aurion Biotech
Aurion Biotech is developing what could become the first allogeneic combination cell therapy for the treatment of corneal endothelial diseases.
Companies To Watch: Athira Pharma
Athira Pharma is developing small molecule therapeutics for neurodegenerative diseases, including its lead candidate, fosgonimeton, for Alzheimer's disease.
Companies To Watch: Volastra Therapeutics
Volastra Therapeutics is a drug discovery and development leader in the emerging field of chromosomal instability, a phenomenon that can determine how certain solid tumor cancer cells replicate and grow.
Companies To Watch: OSE Immunotherapeutics
OSE Immunotherapeutics is poised to begin a confirmatory and pivotal Phase 3 trial for a novel cancer vaccine targeting the second line in NSCLC, an area of acute unmet need.
Companies To Watch: Antiva Biosciences
Antiva Biosciences is exploring a local and global opportunity with a topically administered HPV treatment.
Companies to Watch: Promontory Therapeutics
A novel small molecule developer aims to shake up the solid tumor treatment landscape.
Companies To Watch: KeifeRx
Founded in late 2019, KeifeRx is repurposing oncology drugs for neurodegenerative disorders.