Articles By Rob Wright, Chief Editor 2011-2021

Are We On The Precipice Of Unprecedented Collaboration In Biopharma?1/28/2021
The recent announcement of Sanofi agreeing to help produce Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine could represent biopharma's entry into a period of unprecedented collaboration.
Let's Talk About JPM 20211/19/2021
Rob Wright, chief editor of Life Science Leader, shares thoughts on attending the 39th Annual J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference (JPM) which was 100% virtual this year.
What Went Right In 2020? My Top 5 List1/5/2021
Life Science Leader's Rob Wright reviews five things that went right in 2020.
Frank Gupton – Revolutionizing Pharma Manufacturing From The Outside In1/4/2021
“I’ve gotten more press during the last six and a half months than in my 68 years on this earth,” jokes Frank Gupton, Ph.D., a professor at Virginia Commonwealth University who has been involved in some key recent developments in pharma manufacturing.
How A First-Time Pharma CEO Faces Hypergrowth1/4/2021
Jeffrey Nau, Ph.D., discusses the career path that led him to becoming president and CEO of Oyster Point Pharma, a publicly traded biopharma now valued at more than $550 million and on the brink of commercial launch.
New Year, New President, New Outlook1/4/2021
New Year’s is not just a time of celebration, but a point at which we step out of the day-to-day to reflect on how we did — and resolve to do better.
What Do 10 Biopharma Finance Experts Expect for 2021?12/1/2020
We invited 10 biopharmaceutical industry finance experts to provide their perspectives on everything from remote work, to supply chains, to the reshoring of U.S. biopharmaceutical manufacturing operations.
The Future Of Biopharma Manufacturing Has Never Been More Critical12/1/2020
Here’s what six biopharmaceutical manufacturing executives have to say on emerging manufacturing innovations, key trends to pay attention to in 2021 (and beyond), and so much more.
What's The Annual Outlook For Life Sciences In 2021?12/1/2020
As we’ve done previously, this year we posed many questions to lots of executives across a variety of life science industry disciplines, and here you will gain perspectives on what to expect on biosimilars to outsourcing, and everything in between.