Industry Research
Cell & Gene Therapy Outsourcing Process Development
Half of respondents who outsource cell and/or gene manufacturing activities to CDMOs are outsourcing process development to ensure the ability to scale-up manufacturing should the therapy advance towards commercialization.
Sterile Injectable Product And CMO Volume
ISR asked respondents responsible for sterile injectable manufacturing outsourcing about the numbers and types of outsourced compounds they have in development and in marketing or foresee themselves having in five years.
Managing Trial Components: Hybrid Vs. Traditional Models
Respondents were shown a variety of trial functions and asked to opine as to whether management of each function was easier in a hybrid or traditional model or does not differ.
Experience And Capacity's Influence On Outsourcing
ISR asked survey respondents, for each type of drug substance/drug product, select the reason that best fits your company’s capacity for, and experience with, manufacturing these components and products.
Hybrid vs. Traditional Clinical Trial Costs
In a recent survey about hybrid trials, over half of respondents reported that hybrid trials are currently more expensive to conduct compared to trials in the traditional model.
Preferred Attributes When Selecting A Phase 2/3 CRO
Many factors come into play during the service provider selection process. One critical factor is undoubtedly the presence of preferred provider agreements.
Are Oral Dose Manufacturing Projects Becoming More Complicated?
Has the complexity of oral dose manufacturing projects changed in recent years? Are CDMOs evaluated on the same metrics for simple and complex oral dose manufacturing projects? Data from ISR’s new report provides insight on these questions and more.
How Pharma Executives View Future Business Travel
In May Industry Standard Research (ISR) and Life science Leader asked biopharma executives about their travel expectations for the remainder of 2021. Some of that data and personal quotes is presented here.
Preferred Provider Type By Clinical Research Phase
In a recent survey focused on clinical development outsourcing, respondents were asked which provider type they would choose if the choice were completely up to them.
Top Five Clinical Development Outsourcing Costs
In a recent survey focused on clinical development outsourcing, respondents reported that their companies outsourced, on average, 61% of their clinical development activities.