Leadership Lessons
Fixing the Diversity Gap In Your Leadership Teams: Action Steps that Work
Most organizations by now have a Chief Diversity Office or a DE&I team. But many are not making the progress needed in leadership roles. There are ways your team can accelerate positive change and create diversity at all levels.
Why The Best Leaders Move Slowly
The best CEOs often find ways to slow down when facing daily challenges, which allows them to respond more appropriately and purposeful.
Life After Big Pharma: Why Going Small Was A Good Choice
When I moved from Big Pharma to a tiny biotech, I saw an opportunity to be closer to the business. There is a real sense of accomplishment knowing the endgame means our drug will have a meaningful impact on these children.
Just Four Words
If you're leading people, you’re more of a coach than a commander. Great coaches find ways to identify and remove roadblocks, so that the individuals on their team can be incredibly successful.
Why You Need “Uncomfortable Inclusion” In Business Today
When an organization commits to being uncomfortably inclusive, it solicits and considers feedback from all stakeholders before a decision is made, even if it will take time and delay the decision.
Become The Boss Of Burnout Syndrome
Since the COVID-19 pandemic, burnout syndrome (BOS) has increased in prevalence among executives. Here are some ways to recognize this condition and tips for avoiding it.
How And Why To Make Space For Discomfort
Most people quit when discomfort appears, mistakenly thinking something must be wrong. Instead of quitting, the next time you’re working toward a goal, notice when you feel uncomfortable and follow these tips.
How To Get The Story Learner's Edge
“Extreme leaders” notice others' accomplishments, but they also learn their stories, understand their challenges, and absorb their hopes, dreams, and aspirations.
Teach The Mind By Inspiring The Heart
While many leaders have become fixated on improving their teams’ communications skills during COVID-19, they, instead, need to be focused on something quite different — something that is not always about the leader and the organization’s metrics.
Effective Listening Starts With Empathy
Effective listening cannot exist on its own. To talk about effective listening as a self-contained art form becomes an academic exercise without heart, with nowhere to go.