Leadership Lessons
Want A High-Performance Team?
Being in biopharma for 30 years, I’ve been fortunate to work with many talented professionals possessing that “it” factor. Now, “it” isn’t something you can see on a resume, as these are the intangibles. However, you can get a hint of those intangibles if you are willing to go beyond the scripted hiring process.
Leadership Is Manifest In Intention
In my experience, the most effective leaders are intentional about everything they do; how they speak, how they listen, the everyday conduct of their lives.
How To Survive And Thrive In A World of Rapid Change
Without a physical space to hold the conversations that drive growth, innovation, and engagement, leaders are now tasked with cultivating success within their organizations through the virtual realm.
How To Help Your Team Contribute Ideas You Can Use
Are you getting all the ideas you need to improve your business? Do your employees have the confidence to share their ideas and best practices and advocate on behalf of your customer?
Leadership And Strategic Teams – 3 Keys To Development
What separates effective teams from those that struggle? What are the key principles of team leadership and team trust?
“So, You're Telling Me I'm Not A Rock Star?” — When Feedback Goes Wrong
Feedback fails when supervisors make it about themselves, rather than developing the person receiving the feedback. We fail our people and our organizations when we do not provide timely and effective inputs.
Coaching Through Crisis
In my work with leaders from across the country — many of whom are responsible for maintaining wellness programs for the companies they serve — three things seem to surface as critical strategies for coaching through crisis:
Right Now, You Should Think “Coach First”
We’ve all seen the value that coaching can produce on performance, but traditional coaching approaches are difficult to scale and too expensive to implement.
Creating Positive Connections In The Virtual World
As more people live in the virtual world and connect by mobile devices and computers, we must learn and understand how to create enduring connections and meaningful relationships.
ROI Of Thought — A New Paradigm For What Matters
When we choose to invest our cash or time in education, labor, recreation, etc., we typically expect a return. But when we invest a particular type of time — thought time — we often neither expect nor get an ROI. Why?