Leadership Lessons
3 Ways Leaders Can Help Employees Prepare For The Future
Constant innovations in machine learning and robotics have reshaped work. A key lesson for leaders is to be aware of these changes and have clarity about the role they play in preparing employees for the future.
A Network Cyberattack I'll Never Forget
Not long ago, one of our global clients fell victim to a cyberattack. Forty-five thousand employees, worldwide, were suddenly disconnected from their email, calendars, spreadsheets — even their IP calling system went dark.
Innovation Capital: How Do Leaders Win Support For Their Ideas?
Many potential innovations die not because the idea is bad, but because innovators can’t win support to turn their ideas into reality. We call it the innovator’s paradox: the more groundbreaking your idea, the greater the risk, and the harder it is to win support.
Give Your Team A Break
Across a dozen fields – from social psychology to endocrinology to chronobiology – researchers are assembling a new science of breaks. Their main finding: Leaders and their teams should be taking more breaks.
How To Successfully Leap Toward A New Form Of Knowledge
Many leaders are increasingly facing the threat of their core business being encroached upon by upstarts outside of their industry. So, what differentiates the top innovative companies from those in the middle?
How GREAT Is Your Resistance To Getting A Yes?
To help identify why someone might say no to your requests, you can refer to the acronym GREAT. GREAT outlines the five most common reasons why someone might say no to your request and helps you strategize how to get to yes.
4 Steps To Leading Well In Times Of Stress
How do you create a high performing, resilient organization in times of stress and uncertainty? By developing your own internal capacity following the principles of “conscious leadership,” one of the four key tenets of “conscious capitalism.”
Confronting The Dilemmas Of Disruption
History teaches us that disruptive change is bad news for even the best run incumbents. How can executives confront the dilemmas of disruption?
5 Ways To Focus In A Distracting World
Your attention is your most valuable asset. Here’s how you can spend it wisely.
Talented People Must Choose To Do Great Work: Curate A Culture
The fate of your business rests largely on the willingness of individuals to choose to invest their best discretionary effort in your company’s cause — to dig deep for innovative ideas, to imagine solutions outside any box, to perceive subtle shifts and faint signals.