Leadership Lessons
Leadership Lessons: Unleashing Breakthrough Innovation
Serial breakthrough innovators have some interesting commonalities that serve up some important lessons for how we can unleash the breakthrough innovation potential in us all. Here are three of them.
How To Lead, Succeed, & Thrive In 2018
How do today’s healthcare executives stay focused on the right things, productive in the face of immense pressure and competing demands, and proactive and strategic in the way they lead? It all starts with taking a pause.
Competitive Advantage Is Not What It Used To Be
The pharmaceutical and healthcare industries are at a crossroads, with the traditional business models experiencing what some have described as “fatigue.” Like many other industries facing profound shifts, this creates the imperative to bring together the disparate fields of competitive strategy, innovation, and organizational change.
How Innovative Organizations Think: Why Rules Matter
Innovation and rules may seem like an odd couple. Aren’t innovators rule breakers, people who are willing — even eager — to challenge the status quo? For the most part, they are. Yet innovations rarely result from a genius having a single flash of insight. Instead, they emerge from a collaborative process of individuals with diverse perspectives generating a portfolio of ideas, testing and refining them, and finally, choosing a solution — most often one that combines seemingly competing ideas.
Disrupt Yourself Before Somebody Or Something Else Does
John, an exemplary employee, was promoted into a key management position. He wanted to address the team he would now be leading and gathered the group together in a training room. The new leader’s boss was part of the assembled group.
Labor Day, Leadership, And Leveraging A Moment Of Pause
The Labor Day transition into fall is perfect timing for a strategic pause. As you approach the coming season, block out time to reflect on your goals and those of your team and organization. Consider these four questions...
“Sociopath-Proof” Your Organization: 5 Questions To Ask Today
After being expelled from Harvard for a computer hack that altered his transcript, Ajay Thomas changed his name, scored a Wall Street job, and then insider-traded shares of two public life science companies to the tune of $275 million. Typical interview questions about ethics won’t weed out these types of low character individuals.
How To Attract & Lead Top Talent
Recently I did a study of more than 10,000 high-potential employees at leading companies around the world. The people I interviewed were the best of the best, the sort of employees that any organization would love to have on their team.
How To Create A Spirit Of Independence Among Your Team
Welcome to the premier edition of Dr. Liz on Leadership! In my new, monthly Life Science Leader column, I will bring you practical tools and advice to help you, your team, and your organization thrive in today’s rapidly changing healthcare environment.
The Power of Small Wins — And How to Keep Them Going
Because drug R&D is likely to remain difficult even as technology advances, the challenge for you, as a leader, is this: How do you maintain the motivation of talented researchers, young and old, when progress is slow?