How Will It End?
The decision by J.P. Morgan to make the 2022 annual healthcare conference fully virtual, inspires reflection on the past and advocacy for the future, in this final blog by Rob Wright, retired chief editor, Life Science Leader.
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When Will Biopharma Be Back In The Office?
Three biopharmaceutical executives discuss plans around their company getting back to in-office operations.
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Mental Wellness — The Next Big Thing
Recent events of female athletes expressing the need to focus on their mental health seems to point toward mental wellness being one of the next big things, along with women leaders being willing to "rewrite the rules."
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How Has The Pandemic Impacted You — And Your People?
Disruption of life routines by COVID-19 provide a CNS opportunity on multiple fronts.
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Is Biopharma's Reputation Back?
While biopharma's response to COVID-19 has started to turnaround the industry's sagging reputation, one successful response to one crisis does not a reputation save.
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Are We On The Precipice Of Unprecedented Collaboration In Biopharma?
The recent announcement of Sanofi agreeing to help produce Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine could represent biopharma's entry into a period of unprecedented collaboration.
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Let's Talk About JPM 2021
Rob Wright, chief editor of Life Science Leader, shares thoughts on attending the 39th Annual J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference (JPM) which was 100% virtual this year.
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What Went Right In 2020? My Top 5 List
Life Science Leader's Rob Wright reviews five things that went right in 2020.
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What Would You Do?
A call with a young reader reveals a biopharmaceutical industry mentorship opportunity beyond science.
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What Does Travel Look Like For You In 2021?
With the annual J.P. Morgan Healthcare conference going virtual in January of 2021, Rob Wright asks readers about their business travel plans for next year, and includes anonymized thoughts on posed questions from two Life Science Leader editorial advisory board members.
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