Think You Know About Extreme Teaming?
Rob Wright digs into the “extreme teaming” work of Amy Edmondson, Novartis professor of leadership and management at Harvard, and Jean-Francois Harvey, assistant professor at HEC Montreal, drawing on the 2010 Chilean mining disaster as an example.
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Do You (As A Leader) Create Great Choices?
Rob Wright highlights the “integrative thinking” work of Jennifer Riel and Roger Martin, professors at the Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, in helping leaders make great choices, drawing on LEGO’s entry into feature films as an example.
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What's It Like To Be A Panelist At BIO?
Chris Anselmo provides his thoughts as a first time panelist and attendee of the 2019 BIO International Convention and Conference, Philadelphia, PA, June 3 - 6.
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BIO And JPM — So Much In Common, And Yet So Different
While the annual BIO International Convention and Conference has much in common with the annual J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference, first time attendee of BIO, Matt Pillar, quickly picks up on key points of differentiation at BIO 2019 this year in Philadelphia, PA, June 3 - 6.
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Are You A Superboss?
Rob Wright provides insight into the categories and shared attributes of superbosses, as derived from 10 years of research and more than 200 interviews by Sydney Finkelstein, #23 on the Thinker50 2017 rankings.
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Collaboration And Teamwork — As Different As Management And Leadership
Rob Wright discusses the difference between collaboration and teamwork, and what companies and leaders should be focusing on.
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What Are Biopharma R&D Leaders Focused On?
The Conference Forum’s invitation only R&D Leadership Summit sheds light on areas of focus and concern for top biopharmaceutical industry executives.
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From Utrecht To Amsterdam — Day 3 Of The Netherlands' Biopharma Press Tour — Part 2
The Netherlands’ biopharma press tour concludes in Amsterdam with presentations (e.g., AIMM Therapeutics) and guided tours of the O2 building and the National Screening Laboratory (NSS) for Sanquin.
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From Utrecht To Amsterdam — Day 3 Of The Netherlands' Biopharma Press Tour — Part 1
Day 3 of the Netherlands’ biopharma press tour begins with presentations at the Utrecht Science Park (USP).
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The Board Meeting West — More Than Just A Pre-JPM Appetizer?
Rob Wright provides insight into The Board Meeting West, a life sciences industry event for high-level biopharmaceutical executives serving on corporate boards, or hoping to do so in the near future.
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